Reference Manual


webcmd - perform an operation on an Embedded Web Browser window
webcmd  dev cmd [args]
refresh dev [interval]


Command webcmd performs the operation specified by argument cmd on the window specified by argument dev.

The following commands are supported:

back            // Go back
forward         // Go forward
home            // Go to home page
search          // Invoke the browser's search page
refresh         // Reload the current web page
stop            // Terminate the current load operation
off             // Hide the status bar
on              // Show the status bar
find            // Open a search dialog box
source          // Show the page source in an editor
settings        // Open the browser settings dialog box
print           // Print the current web page
preview         // Preview the current web page before printing
setup           // Display printer setup
copy            // Copy the current web page to the Clipboard
paste           // Paste Clipboard contents to the current page
cut             // Destructively copy a selection to the Clipboard
delete          // Delete a selection
key             // Send a key character to the web page
select          // Select the current web page
clear           // Clear the selection
key             // Send a key stroke to the web page
blank           // Blank the current web page
resize x:y      // Resize the Web window to x pixels wide, y pixels high
get "url"       // Issue a get request containing the specified URL
url             // Print the current URL
busy            // Print the browser busy state
base            // Print or set the base URL of the current web page
scripts         // Print all scripts loaded by the current web page
exec            // Execute script "args..."
string "..."    // Display the specified (HTML) string
Command refresh continually refreshes the window specified by argument dev at the rate specified by argument interval (in msec). If no interval is specified, the default interval of 1 minute is used. To cancel the refresh, kill the refresh thread with command kill.
Window device numbers range from 1 for the Console, 2 for Shell 1, 3 for Shell 2, and so on, up to the maximum number of windows (often 8).

If argument dev is 0, the current window is used.

Command scripts may produce a large amount of output. As the command does not allow piping to more, an alternative might be:

webcmd 0 scripts > clipboard ; cb | more
The above sequence will copy all scripts to the clipboard device and then run the clipboard viewer command cb with output piped to more.
clipboard, ftp, httpd, httpget, url, web